Tiger Take-Off




Rev. Ryan Coffey emphasizes the empty tomb of Christ at Campbellsville University’s Holy Week Chapel

Rev. Ryan Coffey told the audience at Campbellsville University’s Holy Week chapel that Jesus forever changed the meaning of the word empty.
Photo/Gerard Flanagan

By Simon Baker, student news writer, Office of Marketing and Communications

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Rev. Ryan Coffey, pastor of First Baptist Church in Somerset, Ky., emphasized the positives of something being “empty” during his address at Campbellsville University’s Holy Week chapel recently.

Coffey said, “My job today is to get you ready for Easter.”

“It is this week that we remember and celebrate the sacrifice of our Savior,” Coffey added. “It is this week that we look ahead to Easter Sunday morning in the promise of the resurrection.”

Coffey said the main topic of his message is to “unpack the meaning of the word empty.”

Coffey noted that empty is defined as “containing nothing, not being filled, or not being occupied.”

Coffey said the term “empty” usually has a negative connotation. He showed the chapel audience an empty milk container, an empty package and an empty gas container to drive home the point.

However, Coffey proclaimed, “My Jesus has forever changed the power and the meaning of the word empty.”

Coffey added, “We find in Philippians Chapter 2, Jesus emptied himself. There’s our word. He emptied himself by taking the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of man.

Coffey told the chapel audience the greatest example of servant leadership and the greatest model of humility is found “in Christ and in Christ alone.”

“Jesus stepped out of Heaven and came to a sinful, fallen, broken world, and if that were not low enough, He humbled himself,” Coffey said.

Coffey emphasized whom Christ died for when He gave his life on the cross.

“The cross is not what set Jesus apart from all of the people who have died on a cross,” Coffey said. “Jesus is the only one who died for you. Jesus is the very Son of God who emptied His life’s blood on Calvary’s tree. He died for you on the cross.”

However, Coffey pointed out death did not keep Christ down.

“The Disciples and the early believers gathered at the early tomb,” Coffey said. “They found it was empty. Empty is not a word that will be used in a negative connotation because my Jesus has forever changed the word empty.”

Coffey received his Bachelor of Arts in Educational Ministries in 2005 and Master of Theology in 2013 – both from Campbellsville University. He is currently a doctoral student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Coffey is a member of the Campbellsville University Board of Trustees.

 “Ryan represents the very, very best of Campbellsville University in so many ways,” CU President Dr. Joseph Hopkins said.

Chapel is designed to provide opportunities for corporate worship and exposure through a variety of informative speakers and presentations.

Chapels can be viewed on YouTube by searching “Campbellsville University Chapel Playlist.”

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university that offers over 100 programs including doctoral, master, bachelor, associate and certificate programs. The website for complete information is 6ro.ycdwkj666.com.