




专业的判断 is a process a student can apply for when they feel the information reported on the FAFSA no longer accurately reflects their financial situation. 如果你的财务状况发生了变化, there are situations where financial aid professionals can review and update your FAFSA to better reflect a student’s situation. 这些变化可能会,也可能不会,影响你的经济援助.

选择下面的一个EFC选项进行下一步操作. 请注意您的 预期家庭贡献 (EFC) is determined by your FAFSA and can be found on the top right side of your 学生资助报告 (SAR) which is emailed to you from Federal Student 援助 after you submit your FAFSA.


  • Despite the name, your EFC is NOT what you are expected to contribute financially to your education. Depending on a lot of different factors – including things like how much merit-based aid you have earned – your out-of-pocket expenses for your education could be more or less than your EFC.
  • What your EFC really does is helps financial aid professionals determine how much financial need-based aid you are eligible to receive. Financial aid that is based on financial need may include – but is not limited to – things like grants, 联邦半工半读的, 或者补贴贷款.

Once your FAFSA form or FAFSA correction has been processed, you can get a copy of your SAR by

  • 登录fafsa.gov using your FSA ID and selecting the “View or Print your 学生资助报告 (SAR)” option near the middle of the “My FAFSA” page
  • contacting the Federal Student 援助 Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243; TTY for the deaf or hard of hearing 1-800-730-8913) and requesting a copy be sent to you via U.S. 邮件(10-14天派递).


If your EFC is “0” you have already been offered the maximum amount of Federal and State aid.
If your EFC is greater than “0” please read the information below about the conditions which do/do not qualify for a 专业的判断. The process is a way for us to ensure you are receiving the maximum amount of aid possible based on the changes in your financial circumstances. If your EFC is greater than zero and you have experienced these circumstances please fill out the 预筛选专业判断表.



  • 损失收入的损失或减少
  • 在FAFSA上报告的配偶或父母死亡(23/24)
  • 自费支付多余的医疗或牙科费用
  • 在FAFSA申报的父母在过去12个月内退休
  • 父母或学生的婚姻状况改变
  • 因Covid-19而产生的额外费用


  • 关于FAFSA的信息导致0预期家庭贡献(EFC)
  • 失去加班费或奖金
  • 破产、丧失抵押品赎回权或与未偿债务有关的催收费用
  • 消费债务(信用卡、汽车付款、贷款等).)
  • 拖欠国税局的税款
  • 彩票或赌博赢或输
  • 一次性收入用于非生活必需品(如.g. 家庭度假)
  • When an adjustment to the FAFSA will not produce a low enough EFC to become eligible for additional subsidized loans, 联邦佩尔助学金, 或州CAP和KTG补助金.
    • 示例:EFC为50,000 and one of the parents lost their income for 6 months but the financial impact reduced their EFC to 30,000. 这不会为学生获得任何额外的经济援助.


If the student qualifies to begin the 专业的判断 Process they will be contacted and be asked to submit the following:

  • 专业判断申请
  • A statement explaining the situation and their request for a 专业的判断
  • 足够的情况证明文件

  • 没有改变: The change in circumstances did not impact your 预期家庭贡献 (EFC)
  • EFC减少,但财政援助没有变化; The change in circumstances reduced the EFC but did not change it enough to impact your financial aid eligibility.
  • 减少EFC和调整联邦贷款; The change in circumstances reduced the EFC and qualified you for some subsidized loan funding to replace the equivalent unsubsidized loan funding.
  • 减少EFC并调整州和/或联邦拨款: The change in circumstances reduced the EFC and qualified you for additional state and/or federal grants.
  • Reduced EFC and adjustments made to state and/or federal grants and federal loans: The change in circumstances reduced the EFC and qualified you for additional state and/or federal grants as well as qualifying for some subsidized loan funding to replace the equivalent unsubsidized loan funding.



For additional questions regarding the 专业的判断 process please contact our office.

电子邮件: Finaid@ycdwkj666.com


